Dr. Hongjun Wang
Wang's primary research interests focus on 3D Tissue Reconstruction, Biomaterials Design, Regenerative Engineering, and Nanomedicine. Ongoing research activities include creation of hierarchical cardiovascular and musculoskeletal tissues using various bottom-up engineering strategies, guided differentiation of stem cells via modulation of the microenvironment, and design and fabrication of versatile nanostructures as theranostic agents for pathophysiologic applications.
Dr. Jounghyun Helen Lee
Dr. Lee is a materials engineer focused on biomedical problems. She has extensive experience in microfabrication, lithography, microscopy, spectroscopy, and most importantly microfluidics for biological applications, in addition to cellular molecular biology techniques. Her research interests are on (1) development and commercialization of microscale tools for biomedical science of limited resources (such as rare cells, patient samples etc.); (2) micro- and nano-scale fabrication of biological systems for cell-cell and cell-matrix signaling and for engineering of immune systems; and (3)tissue formation and their complex interactions with biomaterials, drugs, cytokines, and pathogens in physiologically relevant microenvironments. She is also highly motivated in communicating with non-technical audiences and mentoring students.
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Dr. Bowen Luo
3D Microvascular Bioprinting
PhD Candidates
Felicia Spadavecchia
Neural Regeneration
Rana Ibrahim
Volumetric Bone Regeneration
Matangi P R
Diabetic Wound Healing
Faranak Mankavi
Neural Regeneration
Erfan Sarhaadei
Bone Tissue Engineering
Gokce Polack
Thymic Tissue Engineering
Zhuozhuo Yin
Bone Tissue Regeneration
Nuo Xu
Nanomedicine for Cancer Theranostics
Keyi Cai
Masters Students
Nicole Petrocelli
Bone Tissue Engineering
Yingyin Li
Microparticle research
Undergraduate Students
Hadia Hussain
Senior Design
Shania Sarango
Senior Design
Samira Bahridinova
Research Assistant
Samantha Ramcharran
Research Assistant
Martyna Zubek
Research Assistant
Ujjwal Rameshwaram
Research Assistant
Calum Dudgeon
Research Assistant
Gabi Moroney
Research Assistant
Sophia Bica
Research Assistant
Anika Chakraborty
Research Assistant
Dylan Bodart
Research Assistant
William Ying
Research Assistant
Alexander Adair
Research Assistant
Lab Alumni
Ph.D. and Post-doctoral Fellows
Christian Buckley, Ph.D. (Class of 2024)
Mary Stack, Ph.D. (Class of 2022)
Beilu Zhang, Ph.D. (Class of 2022)
Jingyu Sun, Ph.D. (Class of 2022)
Hayuo Wang, Ph.D. (Class of 2020, Post-Doc 2020-22)
Lichen Wang, Ph.D. (Class of 2020, Post-Doc 2020-21)
Weiwei Wang, Ph.D. (Class of 2020)
Deep Parikh, Ph.D. (Class of 2020)
Choa Jia, Ph.D. (Class of 2016, Post-Doc 2016-19)
Masters and Undergraduate Students
Johnathan Makris
Caroline Nguyen
Sarah Peneiras
Evan Peneiras
Jack Santoro
Brandon Sems